Trent View Counselling Centre is a private wholistic wellness based clinical practice. We offer a complete approach to mental health counselling including services to address physical health, improved mind/body awareness and mindfulness.

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Our Mission:

To offer a holistic and normalizing approach to the treatment of trauma and all related mental health issues. We aim to apply progressive evidence based treatment that accepts the individual and the unique needs of all individuals.

Our Services

As part of our holistic and complete approach to mental health counselling, we also offer neurofeedback treatments and mindfulness coaching to our clients. These services can be accessed independently or in conjunction with mental health counselling. Please contact our office to discuss your options.

We offer private, one on one therapy therapy sessions with qualified, experienced psychologists and psychotherapists in private comfortable settings.

We offer private, one on one therapy therapy sessions with qualified, experienced psychologists and psychotherapists in private comfortable settings.


For many, Neurofeedback enhances focus, decreases anxiety, promotes better mental clarity, results in more restful sleep, and improves overall mood without side effects!

For many, Neurofeedback enhances focus, decreases anxiety, promotes better mental clarity, results in more restful sleep, and improves overall mood without side effects!


Our experienced Mindfulness coaches can teach you how to ground and experience present moment self-awareness.  The skills learned can help you process trauma with your therapist, improve sleep, relieve stress, and improve mental health overall.

Our experienced Mindfulness coaches can teach you how to ground and experience present moment self-awareness. The skills learned can help you process trauma with your therapist, improve sleep, relieve stress, and improve mental health overall.


 Our Therapists

Our therapists bring a wide range of education and experience to the Centre. From intake to discharge their main focus is on helping you take control over your life using using the appropriate therapeutic techniques and giving you the tools you need.

Our Coaches

In addition to counselling and psychotherapy, we offer yoga and mindfulness coaching as a form of complimentary treatment to support the therapeutic goals you set with your therapist.

  • Dr. Patricia Conroy


  • Bill Turvey, ICADC, Registered Psychotherapist

    Addictions Counselor

  • Nicole McEvoy, MACP, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)


  • Ian Smith, CD, MA, Registered Psychotherapist


  • Paul Zuwerkalow Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

    Paul Zuwerkalow, CD, MA, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying), RYT-200


  • Mirisha Russett, MA, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)


  • Nathalie Coutu, MA, Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)


  • Andrea McHattie Christensen, RYT-200

    Yoga and Mindfulness Coach

Billing and Fees


First Person/Private Pay fees:

Our fees for psychological services correspond with the guidelines provided by the Ontario Psychological Association (OPA). For our therapists utilizing our online booking feature the fee for each session is noted in the description. Please contact our office for specific details of other therapists and our other services.

Secondary Funding:

Psychology and Psychotherapy services can often be funded through extended health insurance plans, please check with your provider for details. We also accept clients covered via Veteran’s Affairs Canada (VAC).

Payment for each face-to-face session is due at the end of the session and can be made by  cash, credit, debit or e-transfer. If paying by cash, please bring the correct amount as we do not keep cash on site to provide change.

A bill will be issued for all services. A receipt will be provided for all payments.

Our Location


We offer in person sessions at our downtown Trenton location and secure virtual counselling sessions from the comfort of your own home.


For in person appointments, our office is located at 45 Front Street, Suite 201 accessed via the south end of the Quinte West Farmers Market parking lot to the left of the “Grind and Vine”.

We are not a crisis centre. If this is an emergency, dial 911 or head to the nearest emergency room. If you are in crisis, 24/7 crisis support can be received through Quinte Healthcare - Crisis Intervention Center (613) 969-7400 ext 2753 or Kids Help Phone at 1-800-668-6868. Call Open Line Open Mind – 613-310-OPEN (6736) - Mon-Fri during business hours for confidential information, support, and referral to mental health and addictions services.